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Abuser John Smyth Q.C - the cover up

It is plain to see from reading this Daily Mail article about Church of England connected abuser barrister John Smyth Q.C, once of 2 Crown Office Row Chambers in Temple, London EC4, that the British establishment elite covered up the sickening abuse that Smyth foisted for years on his male public schoolboy victims. It was not just the Archbishop of Canterbury who did too little to help bring Smyth before the Criminal courts, but other senior members of the clergy, the Police, civil servants and even Winchester School participated. Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury has at last resigned as a result of being found out for his shameful inaction - he was friends with Smyth. Hopefully, more resignations will follow.

A very similar code of Omertà - that is to say, a code of silence and obfuscation - exists at the Royal Courts of Justice and the Met Police and Essex Police when protecting three abuser civil servants, Alice Gilbert (now Alice Rose), Michele Souris and Ben Yallop who worked for recently retired Lord Chief Justice Sir Ian Burnett. These civil servants were allowed to proceed unchecked with a preposterous and truly foul 5-year long smear campaign against whistle-blower and retired Lincoln's Inn Solicitor Farid El Diwany.

Mr El Diwany had the support of former government minister Lord Pickles - but everyone else didn't want to know. Sir Ian Burnett himself turned a blind eye to his own staff's perversions. He refused to even speak to Mr El Diwany when politely addressed at Middle Temple Hall on 5 June 2024 and had Mr El Diwany banned from the establishment for 'harassment'. Those like Master of the Rolls Sir Geoffrey Vos and his predecessor, Sir Terence Etherton, we are told, "didn't want to get involved". Their behaviour can be read on these pages in some detail as well as from the books and YouTube broadcasts by Farid El Diwany. Other members of the judiciary such as Mr Justice Swift, Mr Justice Poole, Mr Justice Jay and Lord Justice Bean were lending considerable assistance to the abuse by covering up when dismissing Mr El Diwany's attendant Judicial Review and other applications.

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