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Michele Souris is the P.A to Lord Chief Justice Sir Ian Burnett. She is a cheat who has no place working for the highest judge in the land. Listen to ex-Lincoln's Inn Solicitor Farid El Diwany confronting her on 13 January 2020 over the gross misconduct of her staff. Despicable Michele Souris!

As if that misconduct in public office wasn't bad enough by Lord Chief Justice Sir Ian Burnett's staff, this was followed up by another preposterous fabrication in 2020 by Michele Souris. In a heavily redacted Witness Statement from Ben Yallop (Sir Ian's Private Secretary) dated 16 July 2021 (only given to Mr El Diwany 28 months later) sent to the Essex Police, one finds the following extract:

15 June 2020 - In email discussions my team members discuss whether to take any action. Michele Souris observes: "It is a little worrying and I know that he [Farid El Diwany] has turned up at the homes of Dame Victoria [Lady Justice Sharp, President of the Queen's Bench Division] and Lord Burnett but am concerned that if I ask the police [to get] involved that it will only [add] fuel to the fire. ...".

These allegations of me, Farid El Diwany, 'turning up/being seen' outside the home not just of the Lord Chief Justice Sir Ian Burnett, but also the home of Lady Justice Sharp are TOTAL FABRICATIONS. I have not been within a million miles of these judges' homes, as the Essex Police fully realise. IF I had 'turned up' outside their homes then the Essex Police would have supplied the evidence. I asked for it repeatedly. But more to the point WHO was it that told Michele Souris these filthy lies? And WHY did Ben Yallop not simply ASK Michele Souris for the evidence? It is over 3 years since these false allegations were made and STILL Farid El Diwany is none the wiser as to WHO actually is supposed to have 'seen' him outside the judges' homes - when he was never there in the first place. Michele Souris is either making the whole story up or is turning a blind eye to her informants fabricating their individual stories. And aren't Sir Ian Burnett and Lady Justice Sharp themselves interested in knowing the evidence for Farid El Diwany 'turning up' at their homes? As there is no evidence for this, these senior judges should now report their staff or their informants to the Essex Police for misconduct and trying to pervert the course of justice. Trouble is the Essex Police are covering up - arse-licking to the establishment civil servant elite at the Royal Courts of Justice.

Michele Souris