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Guy Adams is a top investigative journalist in the style of the late, great, Robert Fisk. His Daily Mail exposé on 6 November 2021 detailing rampant and age-old racist-Islamophobic abuse at Yorkshire County Cricket Club is just what the doctor ordered. Read this superb article by Mr Adams.

The exact same charges regarding racist-Islamophobic related discrimination apply to the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) and Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal (SDT) and Judicial Conduct Investigation Office (JCIO) and the Private Office of the Lord Chief Justice, Sir Ian Burnett. They are all in as much abject denial as Yorkshire County Cricket Club were. Pretending they do not have a problem when clearly they do. Relying on their own white officials or non-Muslim lawyers/barristers and even the out-of-touch Oxbridge white-only judiciary to declare they have done nothing wrong, were 'only doing their jobs' and are all diversity trained, dismissing out of hand all requests for a meeting to discuss their Islamophobic racism, then the SRA and SDT calling the Police faking fear of reprisals.

The SRA, SDT and JCIO treat allegations of Islamophobia within their ranks with contempt. The staff at the Private Office of the Lord Chief Justice, Sir Ian Burnett, moreover engage in criminality: the guilty parties being Alice Gilbert (Rose), Michele Souris, Ben Yallop and one other unnamed female for their conspiratorial manoeuverings. Alice Gilbert (now Rose) was declared in 2020 by Detective Inspector Jones of the Met Police to be in breach of Section 1 Malicious Communications Act 1988 when making a hoax 999 call to the Met Police on 25.10.19. Covering up for the bigot Lady Justice Sharp who has still, after 11 years, not been sacked for staying silent when asked to condemn comments addressed to former Lincoln's Inn Solicitor Farid El Diwany, read out to her on 16.03.11 in the High Court; comments (from Norway) such as: 'Going to f*ck your mother. She like white man' and 'Go f*ck Allah, the camel' and that the prophet Muhammad was a 'confused paedophile that no true God would speak to' and that Mr El Diwany's 'semen was only fit for a pig' and more besides. Declared a hate-crime by the Essex Police and referred to Interpol. But condoned by Mrs Justice Sharp as she then was. Condoned too by Sir Richard Buxton in 2011, Lord Justice Hooper in 2012, Lord Justice Jackson in 2016 and Lord Justice Popplewell in 2020. Covered up by Mrs Justice May in Court 16 at the Royal Courts of Justice on 3 November 2021. All white. All Oxbridge. All very well protected. Even Lord Pickles was denied a meeting in 2014 by then Lord Chancellor Chris Grayling to discuss a change in the Judicial Conduct Rules following representations by his constituent Farid El Diwany over those same, vile comments. Lord Pickles is a star. The rest are unrepentant bigots in denial.

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